
2016 – A new year for SEO and the Webmaster

So, it’s 2016.  I’ve barely just got used to it being 2015!

Like every other year, Google will surely be bringing out new algorithm changes, which I will be posting about shortly.  The internet is becoming more and more saturated with low quality websites automated (very poorly automated) to generate content that looks real.  To get a taste of the amount of fake websites there are out there, take a few minutes to look through the marketplace of digitalpoint forums’ buy and sell section.  Due to this saturation, Google has to be continualy innovative in coming up with ways to separate the scum from the pure green shoots of unique content that so many of us strive for!

I’ll also be releasing a list of the most effective SEO techniques you can incorporate into your website.  Check out our list of current posts and webmaster resources if you’re still hungry for more!